
About This Blog

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GBG logo For the games, I have re-written my page about this blog.  Originally titled, About Taneya, I decided to rename the page, About this Blog. You can find it at the top of the blog just under the graphic header.  Here is the content from the revised page:
I am a medical librarian by profession and have been interested in my family genealogy since about 1997, but did not begin actively working on it until February 2006.  At that time, I was searching for a way to put the information I did have to date online, found my application of choice, put my family info online, and there was no looking back. I found that my skills as a librarian come heavily into play with the genealogy as both fields encompass a lot of detective work and the analysis and synthesis of information. Sweet!
On this blog, you’ll find that I cover my own family tree, and that of my husband’s. I am interested in capturing as much as I can for our daughter and my stepsons, so my branches go out in many different directions.  I also work on the trees of friends and extended family members, so from time to time, I’ll post about them.
In addition to this blog, I also maintain others:

  • My primary blog – where I post information about our family life, and my cross-stitch when I get to it!
  • African-American Nashville History & Genealogy – I was looking for a way to give back to the genealogy of Nashville and found a niche with this one.
  • Blount County Blog — In October 2007 I volunteered to be the site coordinator for the Blount County, TN usgenweb site. Again, another way for me to give back to Tennessee genealogy. I re-designed the site and started a blog to further engage with those interested in that county.
  • Cross Stitch Magazine Database Blog – my original hobby of choice, cross-stitching, drove me to collect a LOT of magazines. So that I did not have to hunt for designs, I decided to index them. Then, I put the index online. I started this blog to accompany the index and share updates to the database.
  • Roanoke Beacon Blog — information from an old newspaper of Washington County, North Carolina.
  • Kinston Free Press Blog – information from an old newspaper of Lenior County, North Carolina
  • Talladega Daily Home Blog – information from newspaper of Talladega County, Alabama. This one is not going so well as I still don’t have good digital access to the newspaper. No promises on when I’ll pick it back up.
  • Vanderbilt Family Genealogy – because I have this weird obsession with the Vanderbilt family (I do work at Vanderbilt after all!), I decided to study their genealogy and created this blog to share and connect with other Vanderbilt researchers.

Through these blogs, I have made connections with many other researchers with areas of common interests and that has been just as satisfying as what I discover with our own trees.  Please feel free to comment if anything inspires you!

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