
Blog Design for 2013

When I was growing up, we changed residences all the time. I went to a different school every year until the 11th grade. And nope, we were not military. My mom just liked variety. And, I have inherited that particular trait. So… I’ve updated my blog design again. I typically do this once a year.. this year, it just took me a little longer to get to it. 🙂
I really liked my last design. I liked the social media options along the sidebar, and I liked the blank space on the screen. So, nothing against in in particular except that I was ready for something different. It used the DailyPost WordPress theme.

I have now switched to a new WordPress theme called Infosource. I chose a theme with a strong social media element, so you can find me all over the internet by using the icons on the right-hand side of the page. The colors are crisp, the lines are clean. And, my various pages are across the top navigation.
Hope you like!

5 thoughts on “Blog Design for 2013”

  1. Taneya, I like the new design very much! I was contemplating a new and improved claimingkin.com blog site, but I got all lazy and just spent time tweaky my theme since I self host it myself. But I am looking forward to a new site next year provided I don’t get all lazy about doing it again — LOL!

    1. Thanks Liv! Yes, it is easy to get pulled into tweaking this, that or the other thing and end up spending hours on the design. 🙂

  2. Pingback: New Blog Design for 2015 | Taneya's Genealogy Blog

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