
My FGS Involvement

With the New Year comes another new involvement for me — I’ve been asked by Randy Whited, a Director of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS), to join the FGS Education Committee! I was honored to be asked and of course had to accept. 🙂
The FGS Education Committee produces the weekly FGS radio show and the ongoing webinar series. Our focus could expand in the future and I believe this will be another opportunity to increase my skill sets and gain even further experience in melding my technology + genealogy interests.
And crazily enough, my 1st week as a member, Randy asked if I’d be interested in being a guest on the FGS radio show! So, today, I was a guest, along with Paula Hinkel of the Southern California Genealogical Society. Our topic of discussion was Crafting an Effective Member Survey.  Paula has professional experience as a market researcher, in addition to her extensive genealogical expertise, and I contributed some information I too have learned in my professional career.
I very much enjoyed the show and was so tickled to be online like that! We hope that those who listened learned something that they can then take back to their societies.  And, if you have suggestions and/or feedback, please let us know by commenting on the FGS Voice Blog.  The FGS radio shows are an excellent resource – you can listen to past episodes online, on your smartphone via the FGS Voice Android app, or via iTunes.

Listen to internet radio with mysociety on Blog Talk Radio


2 thoughts on “My FGS Involvement”

  1. Hey Taneya, congrats on your involvement in FGS! I’m sure that will be a very rewarding and educational experience for you as well. I’m sorry I missed your debut on the show, I didn’t know you would be gracing our presence this week! I will catch the archived version in the near future.

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