
Ronald E. McNair A Cousin?

Today is the 25th anniversary of the Challenger Explosion, and upon that shuttle was astronaut Ronald Erwin McNair. (Photo credits: 1971 Senior Yearbook Photo – A&T University, North Carolina)

Family lore has that he is related to us — my maternal grandmother is a McNair from Washington County, North Carolina.  As yet I’ve not further explored this potential connection.  On my ever-increasing to-do list is to further explore and find out if this is true.  R.I.P. Ronald.

3 thoughts on “Ronald E. McNair A Cousin?”

  1. Hi Taneya-Kalonji: My name is Char Williams. I am Ronald’s second cousin. His father and my grandfather were brothers. They report his dad’s name as Carl but it was Columbus. We used to call him “Uncle Lum.” I am trying to learn more about my grandfather’s ancestors. It is very possible that they may have been from the Gullah/Geechee culture. Let’s compare our notes and see what we come up with.
    Really looking forward to putting any pieces that we have together.
    Thanks, Char

  2. Pingback: Research Update: Ronald E. McNair – Taneya’s Genealogy Blog

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