
A Slave Owner!

Can it be true? Tonight, I talked on the phone with a lady who is a distant cousin of mine. She found my family tree in Ancestry and emailed me – I am her 4th cousin once removed. As we talked, she shared some of her lineage. Her great-grandmother was the sister to a great-great grandfather of mine (Randolph) and the crazy thing is that she didn’t have Randolph in her list of her great-grandmother’s siblings.
One of the things she shared with me, which I am most excited about, is that she thinks she may have found the slaveowner of our common ancestor, Silas Kilpatrick. All that I know about Silas is that he was born somewhere around 1830 and was a slave of course. I also knew that there were white Kilpatrick slaveowners in that same county. In reading the will of Warre Kilpatrick, who died in Craven County, NC in 1831, he wills to his son a negro boy named Silas! I found the will transcription on the Craven County USGENWEB site. Could this be our Silas? I plan to investigate this further for sure.

loving wife Leovicy two beds and furniture, two cows and calves, six ewesand lambs, two sow and pigs, two horses called Snap and Twig, two plows andgeer, one maple desk and third of my household and kitchen furnitureincluding that already mentioned.  I also lend her my dwelling house andnegro woman Hue, during her natural life -  Secondly, I give unto my sonJames, the one half of my manor plantation lands beginning at the East sideand running up Moseley's back line, then a line parallel with the lowerline to the River, so as to include one half of said lands, also one thirdpart of a tract of land on the cypress pond patented by James West, alsonegroes Jack and Edmond, to him his heirs and assigns forever  Thirdly.I give unto my son Wiley the other half of my manor plantation landsincluding my dwelling house and improvements, also the third part of mylands on the cypress pond, also one negro man called Ben and one boy calledSilas, and after the death of wife, also the negro woman Hue, to him, hisheirs and assigne forever. - Fourthly, I give unto my son Worry myplantation known by the name of the Jones Land, also three hundred dollarsto be paid in cash by my sons James and Wiley one hundred each twelvemonths after the lawful time of paying my debts and fifty each twelvemonths after that, also one negro girl called Lucy, also one third of atract of land on the cypress pond, to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Fifthly, having already given a portion to my son John I now give him tenshillings to him and his heirs forever - Sixthly, I give unto mygranddaughter Sally Kilpatrick, one negro girl named Harriet and twohundred and two dollars in cash to her and her heirs and assigns forever - I also give unto my son Wiley the land that I bought at the sale of myson Lewis, dec on conditions t at he pays Sally the above mentioned twohundred and two dollars with interest from the time of my decease.  I leaveall my property not above mentioned,  etc to be equallydivided between my sons, James, Wiley, and Worry.  I appoint WilliamMcKinney and James Kilpatrick Executors to this my Last Will and Testament.- 27 Aug l82l
Worry's widow Lovicey appeared and dissented this Will.

From: http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nc/craven/wills/klptrk02.txt

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