
An Interesting Census Find

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Tonite, I was doing some searching and came across an interesting census record. So far, I have not been able to locate my ancestors, Anthony Walker & wife Martha in the 1880 census. But, I had been limiting my searching to the Washington County, NC area, where I know they lived most of their life. Well, tonite, I found an entry for what might be the family – but living in Louisiana!
This is what is in the census record
1880 Morehouse County Louisiana, 10th Ward
Anthony – Head, age 30, farm laborer, born in NC, parents born in NC
Martha – Wife, age 25, born in Ark?, parents born in NC
Martha – daughter, age 6, born in Louisia, parents born in NC/Ark
Mary – daughter, age 4, born in Louisiana, parents born in NC/Ark
Bertha – daughter, age 1, born in Louisiana, parents born in NC/Ark
This is what matches what I already know:
1) That both Anthony & Martha report being born in NC
2) Anthony’s age in this census record matches what I already knew – that he was born in 1850
3) Martha’s age (the wife) in this record matches what I already know – that she was born somewhere around 1853 or so..
4) Two of the kids names matches two names I already had – Martha & Mary
What doesn’t match
1) the daughter Martha is not our direct relative, but Mattie was born in 1897. On the 1900 census she is 3, so I know that the Martha above is not the same as our Martha. However, given the high rate of infant mortality and the apparent penchant in our family for them to reuse names of kids that previously died, maybe this was an older sister of Mattie’s that died before Mattie was born?
2) the Mary above seems to be around 10 years older than the Mary I already have for Anthony & Martha. Again, from the 1900 census, they list a daughter Mary that is 14 years old. She would not have been born in 1880. But again… possible older sister that died?
3) And, I don’t have a daughter for them named Bertha – but that too may be a child that died?
Hmm.. are these my ancestors? Off to do more research! But, if this is them – it then makes one ponder – what were they doing in Louisiana???
Update – nope, this wasn’t them

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