
Cousin Connection: Lennon Family

Earlier this month I had another cousin connection that I’ve not been able to blog about until now. Gotta love the internet!
My cousin, CM, found me and contacted me through this blog. One of his great-grandfathers is named Grant Lennon. Grant was from Columbus County, North Carolina and a son of Council Lennon. One of my 2nd great-grandmothers was named Etta (short for Annette?) Lennon and she too was a daughter of a Council Lennon. I’ve not been able to “prove” it conclusively but I do believe Grant and Etta to be siblings, thus making CM a 3rd cousin to my mother. 
I will be speaking to CM more later today, but he has sent me an awesome picture – a picture of Grant with Grant’s second wife, Allie. 

This is great news and I’m looking forward to further exploring our shared connections.  

7 thoughts on “Cousin Connection: Lennon Family”

  1. Very cool! My GG-Grandmother’s name was Etta. I suppose it could be short for other names, but in her case it’s short for Arietta. It might be a name to try in searches.

  2. Don’t you just love finding those connections? I always do a “happy dance” whenever I connect with someone like CM. In my 30+ years of research “Etta” was usually a nickname or shortened version of “Henrietta”.

  3. My great-grandmother was Henrietta, known as Etta. One of her granddaughters was named Etta, but just that – Etta. Congratulations on your connection!

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