
FamilySearch’s FamilyTree: Oh How It Excites Me!

I’ve had great fun this weekend catching up with RootsTech activity. From the formal web streams, to blog posts, and videos produced by those on site, I’ve truly enjoyed it.  Among my favorite of the material I took in this weekend though was to hear the update from Ron Tanner on FamilySearch’s Family Tree.  After his talk last year on the FamilyTree, I was able to play around with it some and did like what I saw. But, the good news from this year is that FamilyTree is now open to the public and you don’t have to be an LDS member (which I’m not) to use it.  This excites me!

You want know why don’t you? The reason is because I do an extensive amount of work for others via my USGenWeb activities and have access to information about many people. To date I have indexed thousands of names from many different types of records (newspaper articles, yearbooks, wills, etc.) and sometimes I find myself looking up these people I’m indexing and/or reading about. I do post to various genweb sites and on my own personal websites/blogs but I find that I want to place this information as directly as I can into the hands of their relatives so that they can see it sooner, rather than them happening to stumble across it different places on the web. My goal is to match up this info to their families who may be looking for them.

Given my interests, I am a fan of collaborative genealogy and am in favor of the concept of a One World Tree approach — and this is exactly what FamilySearch FamilyTree is going after.
Now, I understand a “One World Tree” will never truly be a One World Tree. But, I do like the idea of one master page for a person that many people can contribute to and work on and monitor. For a long time, I’ve felt that such an approach is the best way for me to share what I come across.. My criteria for the perfect platform = free, one master record per person, lots of people in the database, and a way for changes to be pushed out to anyone “monitoring” for changes.
In the past, I’ve experimented with the following:

  • Ancestry Member Trees
    • Advantages:  large market share which equals lots of people. Putting my info there means it is probably going to eventually be seen by those interested in it. Especially with Ancesty’s record matching technology.
    • Disadvantages: the member trees are *individual* so if I have something to add, I have to create a new record for myself, attach the item and then hope it gets picked up for others to see. Or, else, I’m manually contacting others who have that person in their tree and sending them messages. Lots of work. But, this is what I have been doing up until now.
  • Geni.com
    • Advantages: None for me now. Since they changed their membership model at the end of summer in 2011
    • Disadvantages: with their membership model one cannot search their entire database of profiles unless you pay.  This is a major barrier for me as I’m seeking a free approach to sharing. It’s hard to contribut to records you can’t see. This is a barrier for many.
  • WeRelate
    • Advantages: I’ve liked what I’ve seen from WeRelate and admire what they are trying to do. Also, their partnership with the Allen County Public Library should definitely help with their longevity.
    • Disadvantages: person editing has gotten better over the years, but the wiki format will still be confusing and a barrier for many. And, though they have 2.4 million profiles in the database, when I can’t even find 5 randomly selected former North Carolina governors in the database, it tells me that there is still much room for growth and my contributions would likely not get the traction I’m seeking .
  • WikiTree 
    • Advantages: this is another company who I think is trying to do a great thing by fostering collaborative genealogy. But, I personally see no advantages to use them.
    • Disadvantages: ads appear as I navigate the site and I find them intrusively placed. I think it used to be the case that ads were only for users who are not logged in but that’s not so any more as I see them even when logged in. Also, in my test search for the same 5 NC governors, no results were found for any of them. Again, another sign that the database has more room for growth and may not be the best for my efforts.

FamilySearch Family Tree however, seems to meet all of my criteria!

  • It’s free to use.
  • They have a HUGE database of people (all 5 of those NC governors were easily located in my search).
  • Lots of people use it. It’s FamilySearch after all – a juggernaut in genealogy!
  • Each person can be “watched” and changes are emailed to you if you are watching someone
  • And, as a One World Tree concept – their goal is one record per person. Exactly what I want to be contributing to. 

Not that it’s perfect. I have some recommendations which I’ll share in a separate post, but I see myself investing my time in Family Tree for the forseeable future and promoting that for researchers with whom I interact. IMHO, I believe this is the best platform for me and my goals and thanks to FamilySearch for opening it up! 🙂

Image credit: Networking from Flickr user jairoagua. 

12 thoughts on “FamilySearch’s FamilyTree: Oh How It Excites Me!”

  1. Hi Taneya! I just wanted to clarify that WikiTree still only has ads on public pages. You must have been logged off when you saw the ads, unless you were on the G2G forum, which is the only place a logged-in member will ever see ads (just along the sidebar).
    Lianne Lavoie
    WikiTree Project Coordinator

    1. Hi Lianne – thanks for the reply! I’ll email you screenshots b/c I do see them on regular pages while logged in. Thanks!

  2. I’m embarassed to say that this was a case of a change being made and me not being aware of it! I looked into this, and found out that a change was recently made, so that members who have not signed the Honor Code still see ads. Once you sign the Honor Code (also required to upload a GEDCOM), there are no more ads. Sorry for the confusion!

    1. I signed the Honor Code and the ads have now gone away. Thanks. Though, I do see that in order to edit a profile, I must request to join a “trusted list.” While I understand the rationale, I do believe it is an impediment that will keep some (like myself) from using your platform.

  3. I understand the inconvenience of needing to be on a trusted list. But it’s the only way for WikiTree to be able to handle the privacy of living people while also providing for collaboration. Note that open profiles, which should be anyone over 200 years old, can be edited without being on the trusted list.

  4. Taneya,
    I haven’t been on your blog in a while, but seen the post on the tngenweb facebook group. i have to say been on familysearch this morning and I have started my tree on there. There are several things I really like. I like how it makes sure you want to add stuff to your own tree from the records by asking you several times, are you sure that you want to add this.. makes me look at it again to make sure i have the right person. I am sure there will be several more things that makes it interesting to me. I still consider myself new at genealogy research and I started wanting to know as much as I could about my family but I also believe in sharing it with others. Thanks for the wonderful posts.
    Also have more things for the Rhea county Genweb site.

    1. Hi Jeanie – I’m glad you’ve taken some time to explore it. I truly believe it has great potential for collaborative genealogy. And, please do email me (taneya@gmail.com) with any contributions for the site!

  5. Pingback: Taneya's Genealogy Blog | My Genealogy Do-Over

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