
Finding Out Ancestry

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I’ve been doing some extra reading on genetic genealogy these days and I just had to post this video. My husband found it for me last night on YouTube.  It is a video of a woman who is opening up her results from African Ancestry on camera and giving her reaction.  Appended to the video are the results of Judge Hatchett who also did the same.

2 thoughts on “Finding Out Ancestry”

  1. Taneya, thank you so very much for sharing this video! It took me right back to the day, about a month ago when I received the results of my Paternal DNA, which wond of my cousins provided the sample for. I was just as nervous as I opened the envelope, and felt the same emotions as those displayed by the young lady in the first video, as well as by Judge Hatchett. Our test also found us to have descended, via my paternal great-grandfather’s line, from Nigeriia, but of the Igbo tribe. I’m eager to have my maternal line done one day also, so I can learn even more about my biological origin. 🙂
    Thanks again for sharing.

  2. I was just looking for examples to start my own blog when I happen on yours.
    Thanks for posting this. I had a very disappointing DNA experience but, this has helped me to try again. My experience was I had to find a male, male,male, male, donor dating back to 1831 in England. I found one a 2nd cousin whom I don’t know, he agreed to take the test that I paid for. Somehow the sample was contaminated so needed to be redone. He now will not return my calls or communicate with me. What a disappointment!! I was trying to validate a ‘story’ of possible East Indian decent which would solve the ‘where did I get this dark skin from.’ So today it’s just that A STORY.

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