
Five Question Challenge – School Memories

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I was reading Randy’s blog and saw that he took the 5 question challenge from the 24-7 Family History Circle blog.  This will be a good way for me to get a post in, so I think I’ll participate too!
1.  What was your favorite subject in school?  My favorite subject was math. I particularly LOVED geometry. I was able to take two courses of geometry. The first was in the 7th grade. I think what I liked best about geometry was the spatial aspect of it. Plus, I absolutely loved doing proofs – they were the best thing ever to me as I have a very logical mind.  Also, it was in the 7th grade that I read Flatland, a book I have read twice sense then. I am looking forward to the kids taking geometry because I am going to make each on of them read it too.
My second geometry course was in the 12th grade while I was at the NC School of Science & Math. We focused on special topics in geometry and our year was comprised of a myriad of activities to reinforce geometry concepts. It was so neat!
Today, I have a love/hate relationship with math. I still enjoy it, and use it a little bit in my job, but not nearly as much as I used to.
2. In what extra-curricular activities did you participate?  In the 6th grade I was in Safety Patrol.  In the 7th-8th grade I was in choir. When I got to Science & Math, I did Gospel Choir for both the 11th and 12th grades.  At S&M, being in Gospel Choir got us traveling to other cities in NC. We even once went to the science & math school in South Carolina.  Can I sing? No, not really. I can carry a tune, but I wouldn’t claim myself to be a singer. I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, my voice is more nasally than I’d like 🙂  But I love to sing! If you ever ride in a car with me, brace yourself. If I am driving, then you WILL listen to me sing.
3. Did you go on field trips, and if so, what was your most memorable field trip?  Yes, we went on field trips all the time. The ones I especially remember is a visit when I was in the 4th grade to a museum in town (Greensboro), where they had a graveyard in the back and we learned how to do gravestone rubbings.  My best field trip was in the 5th grade when we went on a three day trip to Washington DC. I specifically remember that we went to the Washington Monument, to the Jefferson Memorial,  to the Lincoln Memorial and to the Old Post office. When I lived in DC seven years ago, I went to each of these places again and it was great to remember that I had been there when I was 10 years old.
4. What teacher influenced you the most? I have a hard time recalling any specific teacher that I think influenced me more than others. I went to a different school every year until I went to Science & Math for the 11th and 12th grades, so I think this has a lot to do with it. I was simply not at any one school long enough! But, all my teachers at Science & Math were good and I do remember them quite well.  Dr. Myra Halpin, my chemistry teacher, is one favorite as she was just cool.  On the first day of class, we learned the history behind the Morton’s logo – “when it rains, it pours” and she made chemistry fun.  I also had her as  a mentor during what the school calls “Special Projects Week” and she taught me how to use a jigsaw (i was making real wood jigsaw puzzles).  Who wouldn’t find that cool?
5. Did you buy a lunch at school, or bring one from home? What kind of lunchbox? What was your favorite lunch? More often that not, got lunch from school. I have a memory of bringing my lunch when I was in the 4th grade, but I don’t remember if it was a regular occurrence.
This was fun. I’m going to have to get my parents to answer these 🙂

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