
Flurry of Activity

woman, lady, brain-5477733.jpg

I hardly know where to even begin with this post – I have so much going on these days! In the past week, I’ve hardly kept up with all the geneablogsphere activity as I’ve been rather self-absorbed in my newest endeavors.  In the past three weeks or so, I’ve agreed to several genealogy activities.
#1) I will be named as a member of an committee  for a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for digitizing 100,000 pages of newspapers from 1823-1922.   If the grant is awarded then our work begins in Summer 2010 and the committee will help make the decisions on which papers will get digitized.  I have a strong interest and like for historical newspaper research, so when the call was put out, I sent my information in quickly!  Keep your fingers crossed for me.
#2) For this committe, I had to do a resume of my genealogy activities.  While I have a nice professional resume for my day job, I did not have anything that I felt reprsented my genealogy endeavors succinctly.  So, after some browsing and checking out my geneablogger-sphere,  I asked Thomas if he’d let me use his resume template.  He agreed and I created my own 1pg version of a Genealogy Resume.
Taneya’s Genealogy Resume
#3) But, my resume is going to have to be expanded beyond 1pg.  Also recently, I was asked by a local company to come and do a talk on beginning genealogy.  The focus is really to be an informal overview of how I set about my genealogy research and give an overview of some of the basic research approaches, record types etc.  They were willing to pay me, but I turned the money down for I have never done a genealogy-specific presentation before.  I’ve presented plenty for my career, but I also look at it as an opportunity to learn.  This presentation will occur next month.
#4) This week though has been busiest of all, for I agreed to become the new webmaster for the NCGenWeb project…
#5) and also take on site coordinator responsibilities for two additional NC counties- Jones & Onslow.  I already had Martin.  I chose Jones & Onslow because of my Koonce ancestry.   The white Koonce family to which my ancestors belonged to, originated from Jones county.  Additionally, the Koonce family was large, so there were cousins over in Onslow county.   Over the past few months, I’ve begin “collecting Koonces” and have begun the initial seeds of  Koonce surname genealogy study for Koonces everywhere, so  my interest in Jones & Onslow counties are deep-rooted.
I’ve written before about my experience with many of the USGenWeb sites; I applaud the efforts of all those that contribute data for without them, the USGenWeb project would not exist, however, I also would like to see the websites have better organization than many currently do.  So, if I’m going to be involved, I have to reoganize them.  I did this for Blount County, TN & Martin County, NC when I took them on.   Fortunately, the newly elected NCGenWeb Site Coordinator also wanted a revamp of the site, so our interests were well-aligned on this matter.
So, over the past few nights I’ve been busy redoing the NCGenWeb site.  I am rather pleased if I can say so myself – WordPress ABSOLUTELY ROCKS!  We even now have a blog, NCGenWeb News, to which I hope we can post something at least a few times each month.  Click on the picture to visit the site – and show us some love by leaving a comment!

I am very excited to have been able to work with the NCGenWeb board and get it online so quickly.
I also have figured out how I am going to restructure the Onslow County site; again, I’l be using WordPress.  After I get Onslow done,  Jones will probably be organized very similarly.  Here is a sneak peek of what I’m planning for Onslow.

This involvement has made me even more excited about USGenWeb projects in general – we should all make sure we do our part to help out by contributing data whenever we can!  These site coordinators do great jobs in helping us access genealogical information, but I do think it is time for more modern interfaces (generally speaking).  I’m doing my part to move this along as best as I can!

5 thoughts on “Flurry of Activity”

  1. Taneya,
    You’re a busy woman! Thanks for sharing your genealogy activities and congratulations on your recent appointment to the National Endowment for the Humanities committee.
    I already have a genealogy resume, however, I will look at the template you provided to see how I can improve the one I have.

  2. Wow! And I thought I was busy! Thanks for the shout out on the resume – I am constantly revamping mine especially since I am transitioning from the legal information technology field over to genealogy.
    Also – do you often get a request for a bio? I do and I need to often keep it updated. I keep two formats: one very short (under 250 characters) and one long (lists memberships, articles I’ve written etc.) The short one is great for sites that you sign up for and have a “tell us about yourself” section – just copy and paste!
    Finally congrats on the National Endowment for the Humanities project – wonderful!

  3. Hi Taneya, awesome job on the NCGenWeb site makeover. Is that site live yet? Because I just pulled it up this morning, and it’s still the old site being hosted by rootsweb: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ncgenweb/
    I would like to take over some counties as well because I have trouble finding the information I’m looking for. If you design a template, than we can use it to revamp all of the other sites.
    I’ve also been trying to move many NC genealogical and historical societies forward with getting Facebook pages so they can post their events. I put this before the Durham-Orange Co Gen society (D-OGS) last week, it is waiting for board approval. Also if you are looking for more web development opportunities, I believe the D-OGS is looking for a new webmaster. Their current website is attrocious and in my opinion is of no genealogical value to me at all whatsoever.

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