
Frances is a family name!

Okay — I cannot believe I am just making this association, but here goes…

In my last post, I recounted how I was helping someone I know research her maternal line so she could do a cross-stitch project called Mother’s Tree. The design (pictured below) is a list of mothers of mothers of mothers, etc.  I’ve had in the back of my mind too to possibly stitch this one day for Kaleya, but really wanted 8 generations of names on it instead of the seven I’d have if I did it now and started with Kaleya. 

So, I thought, I may wait until Kaleya has children of her own, maybe she’d have a girl and I could stitch it then.  Of course, that day may never come, you never know what can happen. But anyway, I was looking at my maternal line and the last woman on mine is my 3rd great-grandmother, Frances Baker. 

Kaleya’s middle name is Frances (chosen after Kalonji’s grandmother), but how cool would it be for the tree to have at the top Frances Baker and end at the bottom with Kaleya Frances! I think I will be doing this for Kaleya after all!


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