
Genealogy Society Blogs

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Randy has started a new blog for his genealogical society. I think this is such a wonderful idea and wish more societies would do so! I think it has fabulous potential for encouraging more online collaboration.
For my own genealogy, I am getting a bit discouraged with the Koonce family research. As I look through and document the wills and notices I’m reading, I see that there are very little and infrequent mentions of slave names. I am beginning to wonder if I’ll ever truly be able to connect my ancestors with any of theirs. However, I know I am only touching the tip of the iceberg with the county documents that are available, so I will continue to keep on looking.
Oh – and I love this!! I found out from a post on the Columbus Public Library blog that African-American Lives is having a casting call – they are soliciting applications for people to submit their genealogy research challenges as they are going to select a few (don’t remember how many) to have their genealogy researched as part of the next show. This is absolutely fabulous and I plan to apply. However, I’m a bit torn whether to submit Kalonji & I as a couple, or submit us separately? Hmm… will have to think about that one. However, I’d encourage people to submit. It’s great hearing the stories from the celebrities, but I know us “regular” people have good stories too! I hope this is made an ongoing series/process.

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