Taneya's Genealogy Database



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 #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
951 S1051 Omaha Monitor, September 16, 1916, Page 1. via Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/article/omaha-monitor-well-known-attorney-commit/135631898/ : accessed November 22, 2023), clip page for Well-Known Attorney Commits Suicide (Silas Robbins) by user TaneyaKoonce
Treehouse Compendium 
952 S546 Owen, Thomas McAdory, and Marie Bankhead Owen. History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co, 1921.
Treehouse Compendium 
953 S1048 Pareles, Jon. “Christopher Rios, 28, Rapper Recorded Under Name Big Pun.” The New York Times, February 9, 2000, sec. Arts. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/09/arts/christopher-rios-28-rapper-recorded-under-name-big-pun.html.
Treehouse Compendium 
954 S94 Peabody Mountain Cemetery Listings (http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tn/campbell/cemeteries/peabody.txt)
Treehouse Compendium 
955 S257 Peace College Yearbook Collection. http://is.gd/hv3Th.
Treehouse Compendium 
956 S375 Personal Communicaiton - T. McKnight
Treehouse Compendium 
957 S404 Personal Communication from A. Davis
Treehouse Compendium 
958 S387 Personal Communication from A. Williams
Treehouse Compendium 
959 S400 Personal Communication: J. Cooke
Treehouse Compendium 
960 S686 Personal conversation with Joanne Jerome, 10 Jan 2011
Treehouse Compendium 
961 S468 Personal Conversation. 27 May 2012.
Treehouse Compendium 
962 S1162 Personal correspondence from S. Ehlers to Taneya Koonce. 5 July 2013. On file in personal archives of Taneya Koonce.
Treehouse Compendium 
963 S1103 Personal email to Taneya Koonce from Chris Lee, great-grandson of F.G. Smith. 27 January 2010.
Treehouse Compendium 
964 S23 Petersburg Pulic Library Newspaper Index, 17797-1877 (http://ajax.lva.lib.va.us/F/?func=file&file_name=find-b-clas68&local_base=clas68)
Treehouse Compendium 
965 S267 Phelps, C. Email to the Author. 24 Mar 2012.
Treehouse Compendium 
966 S309 Philadelphia Daily News Newspaper
Treehouse Compendium 
967 S310 Philadelphia Inquirer Newspaper
Treehouse Compendium 
968 S75 Phillips Family, Hall Cemetery, Campbell County - Tennessee Photographs (http://www.geocities.com/diggerbphillips5/HALL.htm)
Treehouse Compendium 
969 S377 Plesant Hill Cemetery Internment Records
Treehouse Compendium 
970 S256 Poe, Clarence, comp. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Session of the State Literary and Historical Association of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1912. Google Books.
Treehouse Compendium 
971 S574 Powell, William S., Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, Vol. 1, A-C (UNC Press, 1979)
Treehouse Compendium 
972 S201 Powell, William Stevens. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. Vol. 5, P-S. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994
Treehouse Compendium 
973 S1174 Press of Atlantic City, May 11, 1955, Page 9. via Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/article/press-of-atlantic-city-cape-uso-picks-m/152171257/ : accessed July 28, 2024), clip page for Cape USO Picks "Mother of the Year" (WikiTree ID: Miller-123563) by user TaneyaKoonce
Treehouse Compendium 
974 S569 Quarles F. Email to Author. 10 Jan 2013.
Treehouse Compendium 
975 S295 R.L. Polk & Co. Polk City Directory ... Springfield, Illinois: Including Grandview, Jerome, Leland Grove, and Southern View. Detroit, MI: R.L. Polk & Co, 1902.
Treehouse Compendium 
976 S616 Ray, Worth S. Tennessee Cousins; A History of Tennessee People. 1950
Treehouse Compendium 
977 S92 RB Hayes Presidential Library Obituary Index (http://index.rbhayes.org/hayes/index/)
Treehouse Compendium 
978 S485 Reed, W A. “Mid-State Religion News.â€� Tennessean, 30 Apr. 1977, p. 36.
Treehouse Compendium 
979 S189 Report of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Bar Association. NC Bar Association, 1906. 121. Google Books. 2 Nov. 2008
Treehouse Compendium 
980 S120 Rheatown Cemetery. American Local History Network: Greene County, TN. Web.
Treehouse Compendium 
981 S412 Richings, G. F. Evidences of Progress Among Colored People. Philadelphia: G.S. Ferguson Co, 1905.
Treehouse Compendium 
982 S1176 Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 9, 2013, Page B6. via Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/article/richmond-times-dispatch-obituary-of-lore/156231468/ : accessed September 29, 2024), clip page for Obituary of Lorene Weaver Mahler (d. 2013) by user TaneyaKoonce
Treehouse Compendium 
983 S169 Roanoke Beacon Index. http://www.taneya-kalonji.com/rbeacon
Treehouse Compendium 
984 S160 Robert Digges Wimberly Connor. In: Powell, William Stevens. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. http://docsouth.unc.edu/browse/bios/pn0000339_bio.html
Treehouse Compendium 
985 S641 Robertson-Kidd, Karen. “Rain, Shine, Snow: Dr. Benjamin Emerson Washington Would Go.â€� Daily Times, 19 Feb. 1992
Treehouse Compendium 
986 S270 Rogers, Lynne. Personal communication to the author. 27 Feb 2013.
Treehouse Compendium 
987 S391 Rosalie Yoakam, Orindatus SB Wall Biography (http://tinyurl.com/2s6lnv)
Treehouse Compendium 
988 S121 Rudolph, Dianne. Email to the author. 28 Jun 2010.
Treehouse Compendium 
989 S15 Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, Marriages of Early Edgecombe County North Carolina (Dixie Letter Service)
Treehouse Compendium 
990 S144 Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, Marriages of Early Edgecombe County North Carolina, 1733-1868 (Dixie Letter Service)
Treehouse Compendium 
991 S131 Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, Tombstone and Census Records of Early Edgecombe (Dixie Letter Service)
Treehouse Compendium 
992 S13 Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn Griffin, Tombstone and Census Records of Early Edgecome (Dixie Letter Service)
Treehouse Compendium 
993 S17 Samuel Peter Arrington Family Bible (USGENWEB Warren County, NC)
Treehouse Compendium 
994 S276 Sangamon County, Illinois Marriage Applications: March 26,1879 thru Dec.31,1881 (http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilsangam/marr1879.htm)
Treehouse Compendium 
995 S271 Schacht, P. Email to Author. 10 Apr 2013.
Treehouse Compendium 
996 S272 Schacht, Patti. Email to the Author. 13 April 2013.
Treehouse Compendium 
997 S433 Scott, Mark. "Langston Hughes of Kansas." Kansas History 3 (1980): 3-25. http://www.kshs.org/publicat/history/1980spring_scott.htm
Treehouse Compendium 
998 S946 Sellers Hill Cemetery Clarksburg Carroll County Tennessee, USA
Treehouse Compendium 
999 S1144 Senn Susie K. 1999. Newspaper Abstracts from Pike County Alabama 1855-1861. Greenville S.C: Southern Historical Press, page 2.
Treehouse Compendium 
1000 S622 Sevier County WWII Veterans. USGenWeb: Sevier County, TN. http://is.gd/NOGX
Treehouse Compendium 

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