Taneya's Genealogy Database

Craven County Register of Deeds. Marriage Certificate of William Koonce and Cora Lawhorn. 12 June 1951. Uploaded to FamilySearch by Taneya Koonce.

Source Information

  • Title Craven County Register of Deeds. Marriage Certificate of William Koonce and Cora Lawhorn. 12 June 1951. Uploaded to FamilySearch by Taneya Koonce. <https://familysearch.org/photos/images/13680130> 
    Short Title Marriage Certificate of William Koonce and Cora Lawhorn 
    Source ID S374 
    Text Certifies that they were married in the presence of Argirtha Mills, Pearlie Mae Lawhorn, and Nettie Chatman. Certified by Craven County Register of Deeds Theresa Shipp on December 19, 1977. Grandma Cora's name mistakenly has an "e" on the end. 
    Linked to LAWHORN, Cora Mae