Taneya's Genealogy Database

North Carolina State Board of Health. Office of Vital Statistics. Death Certificate of Josephine Holloway Koonce. Registration District 25, Local No. 183. Certificate Number 13278. Uploaded to FamilySearch.org by Taneya Koonce.

Source Information

  • Title North Carolina State Board of Health. Office of Vital Statistics. Death Certificate of Josephine Holloway Koonce. Registration District 25, Local No. 183. Certificate Number 13278. Uploaded to FamilySearch.org by Taneya Koonce. <https://familysearch.org/photos/images/6158952> 
    Short Title Death Certificate: Josephine Holloway Koonce 
    Source ID S386 
    Text Informant - Clarence Koonce. Parents names indicated as unknown. Cause of death - coronary occlusion. She also had diabetes. Interred in Mitchell Cemetery in Dover, NC. 
    Linked to HOLLOWAY, Josephine