
Happy Anniversary to My Parents and Step-Parents

wedding rings, marriage, wedding-1284225.jpg

The month of March brings wedding anniversaries for all of my parents. 🙂
March 17th is the anniversary date for my mother and step-father.  This year marks their 14th wedding anniversary.
March 25th marked the anniversary date for my father and stepmother.  This year marks their 20th wedding anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!
I was not present at my mother’s wedding, but for my father’s wedding me, my aunt and my grandmother were all dressed alike for the wedding.  We wore pink dresses with ruffles, pearls, had white handbags and white shoes.  I still rememer going shopping for my dress and a few years later, my aunt even wore my dress to an event she attended.  I was 13 years old.  I rediscovered the picture in my email files earlier this month and originally planned to post it yesterday, the actual anniversary date of daddy’s wedding but I was busy studying.



From My Digital Scrapbook Layouts

Credits: Quick page template designed by Mandy

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