
Have I found a 5th Great Grandparent?

I have a census entry that puzzles me. One of my ancestors, Robert Cox is listed in the 1880 census with his family. In his household it lists an Affie named as his mother and a woman named Phoebee Benders, age 90 listed as his grandmother. However, I don’t know if this is Robert’s mother’s mother (I guess so as his mother also lives with him) or his father’s mother. Yet, if she is his paternal grandmother why is the last name different? I wonder if I have a case here where after slavery ended parts of the family took on different last names. I may never really know, but it sure will keep me looking for awhile!
Compounded to this is that there is also two young nieces living with him whose last name is also Benders. So, that makes me wonder if Phoebee is Robert’s wife’s grandmother. Who knows? But, for now, I have placed Phoebee is Robert’s maternal grandmother. Maybe I’ll get to find her real position one day. But in any case, she is either Robert or his wife’s grandmother, so that makes her my furthest back ancestor! (born abt. 1790).

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