
It Starts Young

While at Walgreens the other night, my six-year old sees cameras and says

Mommy, can I get my own camera so I can use it when we go to the cemetery?

Well, she definitely gets engaged when we go to the cemetery,  often asking to be in at least one picture and demanding me to take pictures of any headstone with flowers because they are “pretty.”
Just last weekend we were at the Nashville National Cemetery and asked me to take a picture of her with a headstone.

Love it! She is a budding genealogist!  Some of my other posts with the kids w/ me at the cemetery:

6 thoughts on “It Starts Young”

  1. I love when kids become engaged. Cemeteries are a great way, especially when you get them to do treasure hunts (finding particular head stones). My boys really like visiting cemeteries when I give them that type of challenge.

  2. I think it’s good to foster an interest in genealogy from a young age. My daughter is 4 and has been going to graveyards with me for a couple years now. She asked for her own camera on our last trip. I bought her a cheap 35mm to see how she handled it and was surprised at how well she did. I’m thinking about upgrading her to my old digital camera.
    We haven’t been able to go for a few months because it’s been so cold. Now that it’s starting to warm up, she’s been asking when we will be going again.

    1. thanks Greta. it’s just my hope that they at least understand it and appreciate it — even if they don’t end up doing it themselves. 🙂

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