
RootsMOOC – Week 1

This past week, I’ve had a most glorious time getting stared with the free online genealogy course, RootsMOOC.  If you haven’t heard of it, you must go check it out for it’s not too late to join! Currently, there are more than 3300 people who have signed up and the 1st week has been exhilarating!

This week, we have focused on introductions and we have such a great diverse group of people represented – from those just beginning their genealogy, to others who have many years of experience. The interactions alone among us all have been educational. I have really enjoyed reading the intros and seeing where people are from and where they are researching.
On behalf of the NCGenWeb Project, for which I am an Assistant State Coordinator, Webmaster, and coordinator for several county sites, I was looking for an opportunity to foster discussions for those with NC-research. I was humbled when the course organizers asked me if I’d be willing to organize a Facebook group to run in parallel with the course. What a great chance to really get involved! So, I set up the group, have some great colleagues helping with it’s administration, and so far we have more than 500 members in the group. More details are on the NCGenWeb blog.
I also created an editable Google Map so course participants can pin their research locations and that’s been fun to view also. We have people researching all over the place.

If you are enrolled in the course, please come join us over at Facebook. Today, the first content modules were opened up, so it’s time to get started with the work!  😛

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