
The Final Post

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My final post for the GeneaBlogger Games. What a joy it has been! I’ve already posted what I’ve done, but let me do my final medal counts for the categories I was going to compete in.

  • Category 1: I did my 50 citations, so I earned a PLATINUM Medal for this one.
  • Category 3: a big fat 0! I knew this was the one least likely to get done because a) I’m fairly well organized anyway and b) it takes me a LONG time to do my organization. I cannot just file. I have to file, check records, review records, seek new info to fill in gaps, etc.  So, while I got a start and did a few of my loose files, I did not focus on this category.
  • Category 4: I did four of the five tasks, thus earning a DIAMOND medal. I enjoyed this category tremendously and it was the most important for me; particularly the pre-publish. I am beginning another Master’s program in September with a very heavy course load and will not be doing much genealogy.  With so many blogs, I took this on to create posts to last through the month. I only did enough posts for two of my blogs, but the remainder of the week, I will focus on getting the others. V
  • Category 5: DIAMOND medal here as well.  I just decided not to bother asking anyone to join Facebook. There are many great people signing up already!

I made a page to track my overall tasks that is here. Overall, I’m quite happy with this experience. I have learned a lot and gotten to read a lot of great blog posts from others about the process.  What an amazing network of genealogists there is online!

1 thought on “The Final Post”

  1. Taneya, congratulations on your medals! I’m impressed with the extraordinary efforts put out by all the participants. A special thanks to Thomas, Miriam and Kathryn for their efforts organizing both the Genea-Bloggers group and these games. What a wonderful way to build community!

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