
Union City High School – 1972 Yearbook

signature, sign, write-2743370.jpg

One day while in a goodwill store last year, I came across a 1972 yearbook from Union City High School in Union City, Obion County, Tennessee. This yearbook belonged to one of the students as it has all kinds of signatures, etc. So, I bought it because the genealogist in me wanted to submit the information from it somewhere some day. However, I’d done nothing with it. So, last month, Randy had a post where he put up some information from a yearbook that had been given to him and it inspired me.
So, I will begin a series of articles posting content from the yearbook and I’ll be submitting the URLs to the Obion County, TN USGENWEB pages so others can find it too hopefully.
1972 Senior Class

  • John ASHBIRE
  • Earnestine AMOS
  • Michael ANDREWS
  • Sharon BAILEY
  • David BARHAM
  • Tony BARKLEY
  • Letha BOTTS
  • Louise BRAUER
  • Susan BURCHAM
  • Johnny BURRELL
  • David BYERS
  • Teresa CARDWELL
  • Johnny COCHRAN
  • Suzie COLE
  • Billy COLLINS
  • Sherry CRABTREE
  • Carolyn CULP
  • Kris CULTRA
  • Connie DANIEL
  • Ross DANIEL
  • Greg DAVIS
  • John DRERUP
  • Bedford DUNAVANT
  • Barry DUNCAN
  • Kathy DUNN
  • Beth ECKMAN
  • Judy EMRICH
  • Glenda ESTES
  • Bill EVANS
  • James FIELDS
  • Bud FISHER
  • Annette FRENCH
  • Sherman GAINES
  • Stephen GARDENER
  • Grace GARY
  • Alan GRAHAM
  • Mark GRAHAM
  • Jim GRAY
  • Martha GRIFFITH
  • Charles HALEY
  • Mickey HAMILTON
  • Sandra HARGROVE
  • Marcia HILL
  • Mike HILL
  • David HOLMAN
  • Steve HOWELL
  • Carl HUDSON
  • Vaughn HUFF
  • Sherie HUMPHREY
  • Betty JACKSON
  • Robert JARVIS
  • Eddie JESSUP
  • David JOHNSON
  • Phylis JOHNSON
  • Jerry JONES
  • Kathy JONES
  • Phillip KERSEY
  • Melinda KILLION
  • Karen LACE
  • Meliss LADD
  • Stephen LADD
  • Karen LAND
  • Sharon LAND
  • Jean LATIMER
  • Sandra LATTA
  • Judy LATTUS
  • Cyd LAWS
  • Tom LONG
  • Tony MANESS
  • William McADOO
  • John McCLURE
  • Charlie Joe McGEE
  • Beverly McWHERTER
  • Mike MOBBS
  • Cynthia MORGAN
  • Mike MOSELEY
  • Mary MOSES
  • Bruce MOSS
  • Mike NOVASKY
  • Douglas PAIR
  • Cathy PERRY
  • Kimmy PERRYMAN
  • Suzie PINION
  • Rachel RAGSDALE
  • Steve RAINES
  • Kenneth RHODES
  • Cindy RICE
  • Donnie ROBINSON
  • Philip RUSSELL
  • Steve SHATZ
  • Carnell SMITH
  • Nancy SNOW
  • Debbie STORY
  • Donald SULLIVAN
  • Jean TANNER
  • Glenda TATE
  • Debra THOMPSON
  • Steve THOMPSON
  • Debbie THORNTON
  • Jimmy TOSH
  • Robbie TOWNSLEY
  • Duane TRAVERSE
  • Larry VERNON
  • Jack WADE
  • Vickie WALKER
  • Donna WALLING
  • Treva WARD
  • Debra WARWICK
  • Kaye WEAVER
  • Anita WEBB
  • David WEEKS
  • Gary WELLS
  • Sally WILLIAMS
  • Brenda WILLS
  • Jeb WILSON
  • Robin WOOD
  • Carlton WRIGHT

Next post — Senior class officers….

2 thoughts on “Union City High School – 1972 Yearbook”

  1. Hi im trying to see if there is a tommy tanner in the yearbook?? Im sorry I dont have any other info on the year.. if you find a pic can you please send it to my email… ty so much for any help

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