
Genealogy and the Rubik’s Cube: A Shared Journey of Patience and Problem-Solving

When I was just five years old, my mother bought me a Rubik’s Cube, hoping to nurture my problem-solving skills. Well – Little did she know, that innocent-looking puzzle would turn into a source of both fascination and frustration for me over the years. I confess, back then, I resorted to a less than perfect method of “solving” the Rubik’s Cube – I peeled off the stickers and placed them in their correct positions. Ooh, My mother was so mad at me! 🤣

Fast forward to the present day, and I decided that I would take on the cube again, this time, with determination to learn how to actually solve it! The right way.    

Rediscovering the Rubik’s Cube

Over the years, my interest in the Rubik’s Cube never waned. I was always captivated by the tantalizing challenge it presented – it seemed unreachable to me.  However, I’ve learned that solving this perplexing puzzle required more than just brute force or luck; it demanded a methodical approach and a deep understanding of its mechanics.

Motivated by this newfound understanding, I embarked on a journey to conquer the Rubik’s Cube. I immersed myself in online tutorials, watched many videos. Step by step, algorithm by algorithm, I unraveled the secrets of this enigmatic cube. My favorite video, and most helpful one is this one by J Perm

Patience and Persistence: The Genealogy Connection
As I delved deeper into the realm of Rubik’s Cube solving, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between doing this and my long-standing passion for genealogy and family history. You see,  they both require patience, persistence, and a meticulous approach.

Just like solving the Rubik’s Cube, genealogy involves sorting through complex puzzles. It requires carefully examining historical records, piecing together fragmented information, and patiently untangling the branches of our family tree. Both endeavors demand a deep understanding of patterns and connections, and the willingness to persist even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Unveiling the Layers: A Methodical Approach
Solving the Rubik’s Cube is not about random twists and turns; it’s about having a clear strategy and following a methodical approach. Similarly, genealogy requires a systematic methodology to uncover the hidden stories and long-forgotten individuals in our family’s past.

Just as the Rubik’s Cube is solved layer by layer, so too is the process of genealogical research. We start with what we know – our immediate family – and gradually work backward, peeling away the layers of time and uncovering the ancestors who came before us. Each solved layer brings us closer to the complete picture, just as each solved face of the Rubik’s Cube brings us nearer to the final solution.

The Eureka Moment
After countless hours of practice, failed attempts, and relentless determination, I finally experienced the exhilarating eureka moment. The Rubik’s Cube, once an impenetrable enigma, finally revealed its hidden order. It was a triumphant realization that hard work and dedication do pay off.

This moment of victory not only gave me a sense of personal accomplishment but also reinforced the valuable lessons I’ve learned through my pursuit of genealogy. It reminded me that in the face of adversity, it is essential to remain patient and persistent. Whether it’s untangling the complex relationships in our family history or solving the intricate puzzle of the Rubik’s Cube, the key is to stay focused, believe in our abilities, and never give up.

Here’s the video of me solving it!!

Embracing the Journey
Looking back on my journey with the Rubik’s Cube, I realized that it was never just about reaching the final solution. The true value lied in the process itself—the hours spent practicing, the countless attempts, and the gradual improvement. Even though I’ve learned how to solve it, I now have new goals to get faster. Similarly, in genealogy, the joy comes not only from discovering a long-lost ancestor but also from the satisfaction of piecing together the puzzle, one clue at a time.

Both the Rubik’s Cube and genealogy have taught me the importance of embracing the journey rather than fixating solely on the destination. They have taught me that learning, growth, and self-discovery occur throughout the process, and that every step forward, no matter how small, is a cause for celebration.

Lessons Learned
Solving the Rubik’s Cube and delving into genealogy have taught me the power of patience, persistence, and a methodical approach. They have shown me that the pursuit of knowledge and the unraveling of mysteries require dedication and a willingness to explore uncharted territories. So, today, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. I have moved beyond the peeling of stickers and embraced the true spirit of problem-solving.

Whether it’s solving a Rubik’s Cube or tracing our family’s lineage, these pursuits remind us that our curiosity knows no bounds. They encourage us to explore new horizons, persist in the face of adversity, and celebrate the beauty of discovery.

So, dear reader, I invite you to embark on your own journey—be it with a Rubik’s Cube, a family history research project, or any other pursuit that captivates your interest. Embrace the challenges, learn from the process, and savor the moments of triumph. The rewards, both personal and intellectual, are waiting to be unveiled. 

Come share your genealogy journey in my online community too – we’d love to learn about it! 

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