
Progress Check: My Digital Photo Organization

At the beginning of the year, I shared my strategy for how I am approaching the management of my digital photos. I have been working more on it lately and I thought it time for a progress check! You can read more about my strategy here, but essentially, my approach is to rely on Google Photos as my “automatic camera roll” (b/c all of my pictures automatically upload to it), and then each month, move pictures out and into structured folders. As I place pictures in the structured folders, I use metadata tags to provide details about each photo. It’s been fabulous!
My focus right now has been to do a combination of organizing my recent photos, as well as go back through my digital photo archives and move them as well (you can read more about my organizational strategy here).  Let me tell you, this is a Herculean task! But, one for which I know is worth it, and one that is already reaping tremendous benefits in how easily I am able to locate specific pictures.
September was Save Your Photos Month, so I spent more time than usual working on my organization. As of this morning, I have just over 3,700 photos full organized and “cataloged” with detailed metadata. Just about half of them are pictures from 2018 so I’m at a good balance I think between old and new. Here is a glimpse of my folder:

My family photo archive organization

I plan to continue spending time each week to organize my photos. I’m also continuing to do my physical photo organization as well, so I’ll post an update about that later. I’m giving a presentation in November as part of a seminar for the Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society and a portion of my talk will provide details about my strategy and how others can do it similarly. I am quite excited about that!

3 thoughts on “Progress Check: My Digital Photo Organization”

  1. I’m in the middle of doing the same Taneya . . . huge project but so rewarding! I’m excited for you and so glad you shared, thank you.

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