
Reliving My High School Years

Last month, I did a blog post about a school my mother attended and made a comment that I went to a different school almost every year between Kindergarten and 12th grade.  We moved around a lot 🙂

Well, fortunately, I did have some stability at the end of that time span (not that I’m complaining! I liked all of my schools!). To this day though, I feel so lucky that I was selected for admission into the North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics (NCSSM) in Durham, NC; the school I would attend for 11th and 12th grade. I finally was at a school where everyone there wanted to be there! We had to apply, take our SATs in the 10th grade, complete an application, and have in-person interviews with the admissions team & faculty. It was quite a process! NCSSM was the country’s first public residential high school for science, technology, engineering, and math and I loved EVERY.MOMENT.OF.IT. 

Since graduating, I’ve been back to the campus three times, including for my 5-year reunion, and most recently, in 2018, for my 25-year reunion – wow, time flies! A highlight of the reunion visit was watching the slide show that the school puts together for end-of-the-year viewing for the students. It was such a trip down memory lane to watch that video back in 2018. Well, I’m quite excited now because the alumni association has digitized the reels and are placing them online! My year was 1993.

NCSSM 1993 slide show (link)
move-in day, senior year – August 1992. Stephanie was my roommate my junior year

Having the videos for both my junior and senior years, the fact that our yearbooks availability online, and the pictures I took while at my reunion, are all going to make great material for a photo book. As I watched the videos, so many memories came back again that I know I need to document them and preserve my own personal history & experience for my family.  I also have pictures I need to scan in so they too can be added to the photo book I am going to create through my FOREVER account

still shot from the video; I’m in the top left – geez, couldn’t I smile?

Oh my – how will I ever fit this into all the other projects I want to do – haha! I am fortunate though – not too many people have access to such a slideshow as a recap of their high school years, and for that, I am grateful. Many, many thanks to the alumni association for this incredible archive!

Have you chronicled your high school years experience in any way?

5 thoughts on “Reliving My High School Years”

  1. How about just, wow! Thanks for sharing your fantastic story…i wish i had that of my high school/college years :-). Keep up telling these great stories.

    1. Thanks friend! We all have so many stories to share and not enough time 🙂 If you have your high school yearbooks though, you can cull through them and do some documentation!

  2. Joyce Leffingwell Bradley

    Taneya, I enjoyed reading about your high school. My 2 children also went to such a school in Indiana. Indiana Academy of Science Mathematics, and Humanities for their Jr. & Sr. Years. They also had moved a lot and went to many different schools. This was great for them since everybody was new with no history of each other. Our school included Humanities and that’s where their main study was. It was difficult for me for them to be away from home at such an young age but I guess it gave them independence. And I’m glad your Mother got a middle name!!!

    1. Thank you Joyce! Ah – love that your children went to the Indiana counterpart. Those two years were so wonderful for me – I cherish them and I hope your children felt the same. I definitely felt it fostered independence and I am sure it has served them well. And thanks for the comments on my mother’s middle name 🙂

  3. Wonderful story, especially thinking about how many seniors this year will have an alternate graduation experience but equally — if not more — worthy of documentation for the future. I’d be interested to know how you arrived at your decision to chose Forever for your storage and how you began to upload documents there. Thank you!

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