My grandmother, Alice, wanted to be a nurse.
I only discovered this a few years ago, when my mother was passing along some of her mother’s papers to me. Among the papers was this letter my grandmother received from Saint Augustine’s College in Raleigh, NC. Saint Augustine is a Historically Black College, founded in 1867, that is still around today.

My grandmother wrote on the top of the letter “to be a nurse” — so, this tells us that she intended to study nursing. She never made it to college, but she would have been a great nurse!
The letter is signed by Earl H. McClenny – he was Director in the Department of Education at the school. Thanks to the digitized yearbooks on the website, I know what he looked like. He would go on to become President of St. Paul’s College, a position he held from 1950-1970.

As with all of my digitized items, I have added this to my online family archive for long-term preservation.
Do you know what else I’ve done?
Because our family histories are important to overall history, in addition to adding this letter to my grandmother’s FamilySearch Family Tree profile, I also tagged the profile of Dr. McClenney because his signature is on her letter. I’d like to make sure his signature is easily available for anyone searching for him.