
Let’s Talk About that ‘Loretta’ Ad

We’ve just had the Superbowl and part & parcel of the Superbowl are the ads. Did you see the Loretta Ad? Oh my goodness! I was half paying attention to it when it aired, but as I heard the tail end of it, I was enamored and it made me teary-eyed – and from what I can tell online, it did the same for many others. It was beautiful!

What resonated with me was the husband’s tapping into his precious memories of his wife and the emotions it stirs. How wonderful to be able to access the memories! I had to go and look it back up and watch it several times more.

I loved it though because it made me think exactly of what I am working towards with my own family history archive. I am organizing and preserving our family historical photos & videos, as well as our current ones. I can get to them from my cell phone, from any computer with an internet connection, and I can find what I need quickly because I add descriptions and keyword tags to everything. My family can access the collection too via their cell phones; it is all available at our fingertips. And, the collection is inheritable and can be passed on to future generations because the investment I’ve made is a purchase, not a rental (like subscription services that will expire once you stop paying). It is a genealogists’ dream 🙂

The beginning of the ad begins with a search for “how to not forget.”  The way I and my family will not forget is through my Forever account. Seeing the Loretta ad helps keep me excited and motivated to keep on preserving our family memories so that we too, do not forget. Thank you, Google for the motivation.

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