
My Digital Photo Organization Approach

One of my goals this year is to incorporate more videos into the content I share. I’m delighted to be able to share a full-length presentation today! Through multiple blog posts over the past few months, I’ve been sharing the strategies I use to organize my digital photo collection. These include:

Yesterday, I delivered a presentation at a nearby library, the Spring Hill Public Library, where I discussed these approaches for my own process. The talk was not recorded, so I decided to make a few changes and this morning I recorded it myself. Using Screencast-O-Matic, I recorded my talk and welcome you to watch the video! The video is about an hour in length. In the video, I refer to several websites I’ve found immensely helpful in my process, so those are listed beneath the video image below.

Once you watch the video, please do feel free to reach out to me for any questions! I welcome you to join my Facebook group as one way to connect, or you can email me at taneya@gmail.com.

Click on the image, or here, to access the video:

I, personally, use Forever Historian and Forever Storage for my photo organization; I’ve posted about that decision. Below, are references & other software mentioned in my video.

Free Software

Are you working on organizing your photos? I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

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